
CNN & Transfer Learning

[Download this notebook](10 - Transfer Learning.ipynb) In this lesson you’ll learn: what is meant by transfer learning. how to load and customize pre-trained models. how to read images from folders into Python. Last week you developed a CNN that can recognize numbers. Today, we focus on taking advantage of pre-trained neural networks. First, you will train a model that can distinguish between various breeds of dogs and cats. In the training task, you will use ResNet to detect pneumonia in X-ray images.

Convolutional Neural Network

[Download this notebook](09 - Convolutional Neural Network.ipynb) This week we are looking at convolutional neural networks. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are used primarily, but not exclusively, for image recognition. Unlike the neural networks we have seen so far, CNNs can read images as a matrix. This means that local context is not lost by flattening the image. Otavio Good. 2017 “A Visual and Intuitive Understanding of Deep Learning” O’Reilly AI Conference import torch from torch import nn import pandas as pd import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from torch.